I think we all strive for it and I don't think that is a bad thing. In fact I think we should all be trying to perfect ourselves. What I do think is wrong is comparing ourselves to someone else while striving for perfection. While becoming a better you, you can only do it by looking at your past not by looking at another person, that would make it impossible to be a better you, wouldn't you think?!
We are all so different and that is what I love about us humans! That is why I LOVE my job. How boring would it be if we were all the same! I don't mean just looks - because I don't just photograph peoples looks - but about our talents and personality as well! So remember, when striving for perfection only do it from where you are and where you came from or it will simply be impossible to become a better you!
Never giving up and knowing that you can always become better is a key to success.
A before and after of years.
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